Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stepping on Gear

Reporting to the first Orientation!

Weather was horrendous! Right mid 12noon having Orientation! Seats were hot, handle bar were hot! But well, nothings good nothings bad. Having some time to kick start the gear, co-ordination between clucthes and gear makes me look so stupid! Haha! Those knee and arm guards, gloves and tight new helmet makes me so STUFFY! Unbearable!

Stupidly and clumsily me, spent the next half hour trying to co-ordinate the CLUTCHES & GEAR! CLUTHES & GEAR! CLUTCHES & GEAR! I always remember... "Release.....Pull....." "Release.....Pull..." Geesh! sounds so suggestive! hah!

Finally proceeding towards the mini circle! Kicking up to gear 2. Hey its not easy! -defensive mood- (Or maybe i'm slow..) Such a failure huh?! heh..* Only ended up in the mini circle in 90mins lesson!

COME BACK FOR 2nd time!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back to Old School Days - Thoery Test

Back to student's life!

Imagine having your ass gluing onto the wooden chair for entire 8 hours, how GREAT would that be? Haha!

Being a "Extremely Time-Effective Record Holder", I signed up for the 4 classes straight in a day from 8am to 4pm, so that I could get scanned and proceed on to the Trial Thoery Test, AND THEN... to the real Riding Thoery Test. Just wnana get over with it quick! quick! quick!

And guess what.... I passed my Trial Test, and pass my Thoery Test and one go! Cool! Now to the Orientation. My first hands on bike lesson! Yiak Yiak!